Thursday, July 31, 2014

World Lung Cancer Day- August 1, 2014

Betsy Thompson of the Lung Cancer Survivors Foundation is the driving force behind the third annual World Lung Cancer Day that is being celebrated around the globe this Friday, August 1, 2014.   I first came to know about Betsy when I was about six months into my diagnosis.  Because I suffered from horrible insomnia during chemo, I often would do research and find sources of information and help for my condition or assistance for caregivers, or even information about clinical trials that showed promise. 
During one of these very late night excursion I found Lung Cancer Survivors Foundation on Facebook.  There is a good description of their mission at this link (   OR you can join the Facebook group at (

Celebrate World Lung Cancer Day this August 1, 2014!

Northeast Indiana Cancer Services

Beginning Wednesday, September 10, 2014 from 9am to 11am NE Indiana Cancer Services will provide a Creative Workshop Series “The Artist’s Way”.  It is an 8-week series based upon the book by Julia Cameron.  Please call NE Indiana Cancer Services at 260-484-960.  The series will be held at Artworks Galleria at Jefferson Pointe, Behind Panera 4110 W. Jefferson Boulevard.   There is a 10 registration fee, but there is NO fee for the series.  Reservations must be made by September 5.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

“You might have two-three years left…..” - said the Good News Doctor

Imagine my surprise!!??   It was sometime in late December 2012 and I was talking to the third oncologist I had sought an opinion from after being told in early November that nothing could be done for me- since I had advanced stage lung cancer and it was inoperable.

I hate to admit this (not really) but I was getting pissed!   The city I lived in had no lung cancer specialist, which was ridiculous since it is a city of more than a quarter of a million people and holds three hospitals.   So, my first stop after I had regained my senses was to hop on the computer.

One of the best sites I came across at that time was   I poured my heart out to the good people on that site and they came running with advice, support, and empathy.  

They directed me to IU Simon Cancer Care Center in Indianapolis.   It was a great thing.  The first doctor who had told me the  I had lung cancer and that he was not the “ Good News” doctor had directed me to get a B12 shot, had me get a prescription filled at the hospital for folic acid that I paid an exorbitant price for and set me up for treatment.   He spent a total of five minutes with me.  

I never heard from him again, or from anyone in that hospital, when I didn’t make my next scheduled appointment.   

This was me on Halloween Night 2012 - a little less than 2 weeks before I was diagnosed.  I thought I was out of breath and worn out because I had just run my grandsons and their friends around the neighborhoods trick or treating.  

Note: is a community forum for those affected by cancer.  It is brought to cancer survivors and their caregivers by the American Cancer Society.  It has been a great help to me.  

Read 'Fighting Cancer: 2013" Today!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I Battle Cancer - My Mission

The Mission of I Battle Cancer

The mission of I Battle Cancer is to help those who are diagnosed with cancer, and their caregivers to move from diagnosis to treatment.    Many people I have talked to have told me that the time between their cancer diagnosis and the beginning of treatment was one of their toughest hurdles.  I know it was for me.  I would like your help in finding a way to spread the word about the many support systems that are available to cancer survivors today.