Friday, October 24, 2014

November 1st Begins Lung Cancer Awareness Month- We are Free to Breathe

During the Month of November Free to Breathe is offering 25 window clings to help everyone make it easier to become aware of the devastation of lung cancer.

I am flying them around - the catch is that I have to take pictures of them and I am obviously not much of a photographer.

Maybe I'll ask my grandsons, Ty and Lew- they are both techies and know how to create the buzz!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Fun Times Fighting Cancer at the Gym

Yesterday, I had met up with some of my exercise buddies for a rousing stationary bike ride.   We were blabbing on and on about whatever came to mind.  Now, I want you to know that we are all cancer survivors and we didn’t once mention cancer- not an easy feat.  Anyway, as we were chirping and blabbing, the man at the farthest bike seemed to be getting agitated (he had ear plugs in and was listening to the TV).

Finally, he burst out and yelled at us, right in the middle of the gym!  “Will you pipe down, I can’t hear the television!” 

( he lost his ear plugs)

Frankly, my family of origin included a father who was a truck driver his whole life long- so my immediate reaction was to bop him over the head-but I I held my deep and dark feelings in and my co-horts and I exchanged aggravated glances. 
Later, one of the ladies who had heard the whole thing came over and said, “That man is so rude-he constantly is yelling at people!”   One of my co-horts said that she was sick of the complaining she always heard there.   I told her that maybe the man needed a suppository. 

Finally, the jerk got off his stationary bike and ambled away- lucky not to have gotten a swift kick in the butt!  

When another one of our co-horts came in we hurried to tell her about the exciting event that had taken place and how rude the jerk was!   Then an elderly lady came in and got on the same stationary bike he had been on- one of my co-horts told her the story and she shook her head back and forth.  She said she knew who he was and that he was always a rude person.

Later, our groups moved over to the weight resistance area and were doing our regimen.   My co-hort told one of the trainers about the event and she was shocked.  “What is wrong with him?”  “We are here to enjoy ourselves, after all!”  She shook her head in consternation.  

And with that, my exercise time at the gym came to an end.   I needed to hydrate.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Become a Respant- Lung Cancer Screening Begins with YOU!

The controversy that surrounds lung cancer screening rages on, but hope is on the horizon as organizations in every health care arena seen the wisdom in early detection of this deadliest of all cancers.

The Lung Cancer Alliance has compiled this list of organizations that have stepped forward to lend their support in the form of a letter to the Centers of Medicare and Medicare Services.   Read about this.   And, remember to become a respant!  What is a respant?   Here are some ideas-

“Unfortunately doctors and health professionals, in general, do not study success. We are far more likely to consider an unexpected recovery to be due to the treatment or a spontaneous remission. However, I have learned from my experience with patients and by asking them, “Why didn’t you die when you were supposed to?” that they always had a story to tell. I can recall, as an intern, realizing that the seniors, with hip fractures, who were noisy and demanding didn’t develop pneumonia and die while the submissive, quiet seniors who never raised their voice or caused a problem had a much higher mortality rate.   – Bernie Siegel, M.D.

 You are your own best advocate!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chemo, Nausea, & Tacos

When I began chemo in early 2013, an X-ray technician at IU Simon took me aside and asked if I would soon be starting chemo.
I told her yes, and she said she had a tip for me!  Well, I am always open to tips, aren’t you?
She told me that many of the people who she talked to who had gone through chemo ate tacos to help them with their nausea, or general feeling of yuck!
I have to tell you that I was often at the point of that general feeling of yuck- and my son made many a trip to Taco B---

Now, I am not saying it is a cure all-just saying it worked for me and apparently for others.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Am a Social Media Ambassador for Lungevity

As a social media ambassador for Lungevity I will be sending out news and other interesting facts about lung cancer to heighten awareness about the deadliest cancer.  

Watch for more information!