Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"Don't Get Caught in the Financial Mess that is Cancer" - a Fellow Cancer Survivor

In the beginning I was told by a fellow cancer survivor to be careful with my finances as I went about the bureaucracy that is cancer, testing, treatment, insurance issues, and so much more.  Here are a few of the organizations that might be able to help.  If you know of more, let me know.

Financial Help

Co-Pay Relief- 1-866-512-3861
Patient Advocate Foundation- 1-800-532-5274

Cancer Financial Assistance

I really believe that having to worry about all of this during a time when you are fighting for your life is criminal.   I love the way certain individuals rant and rave that being self-sufficient is the only way to be a great American- these people have obviously either never been thrown into the sea without a life preserver or they are just so self-absorbed that compassion is not in their vocabulary.

The following excerpt from Social Work Today  highlights in concrete numbers the impact of financial stress on cancer fighters.

"According to the survey, 66% of patients with major financial challenges suffer depression or anxiety, 29% delay filling prescriptions due to financial pressures, and 22% skip doses of their medications. Sixty-three percent of oncology social workers surveyed said financial issues reduce patients’ compliance with their cancer treatment even though that treatment is key to their recovery. Additionally, 40% of patients reported depleting their savings, almost 30% reported dealing with bill collectors, and 54% of those handling a major/catastrophic financial burden said it had become more difficult in the past year to afford treatment.
Furthermore, 68% of cancer patients and caregivers surveyed reported that the patient is experiencing financial hardship due to medical bills, and 55% of all cancer patients surveyed said the stress of dealing with costs negatively affects their ability to focus on their recovery."

Beyond the hell of the disease of cancer- lies the beating heart of financial strain- reach in any direction you can to ward off the money beast.
I would love to hear any ideas that you or someone you know have used to work with financial difficulties during a cancer journey.  And, please, no part time job applicants need apply.  I would love to see one of them blend a chemo or radiation side effect with a job at Mickey Dees!

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